So funny! I rarely shave. I have had waxing when I was young but can't bare the pain now and to be honest can't be assed. I have patches of bare skin and patches of quite long hairy skin. I will shave armpits and legs in the summer if it's warm enough for skirts, shorts or vest wearing. And I am totally with you in terms of already having enough to deal with with chronic symptoms! I do remember deciding during my last and fourth pregnancy not to colour my hair anymore. It's a blessed relief now. I am so glad my mum, who has always worn make-up and nail varnish, suggested I only wear makeup for special occasions. I stuck to this and it felt like dressing up and playing. Now though I can rarely be bothered to even do that and my husband doesn't like make-up. 'Why gild the lily?' he says.

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Honestly, I had SO many comments to add to this story. But then I reached the part where you said menopause can help migraines??? After that, I forgot about the body hair stuff 😂

I'm 51 and no signs of the pause yet but if this migraine thing is true it would be a miracle!

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