Lol Natalie, as always, this made me giggle despite the fact that migraines are a shit storm. You forgot "shit storm" on your map. But I loved all the other destinations you mentioned. Almost sounds like a vacation if you're a cup-half-full kind of person 🤣

In other news, I had no idea migraine awareness month was a thing! June is also National Rebuild Your Life month...I was more heavily focused on that.

And finally, I feel guilty admitting this to you because you've probably tried it without success, but have you ever been given the Sumatriptan/Naproxen treatment combo? This was a brand new prescription for me and I had the opportunity to use it on a migraine morning recently. It was like some kind of witchcraft!!! Within about 30 minutes all traces of migraine were gone. The only side effect I experienced was tiredness but that beats pain ANY day.

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Good luck with Rebuild Your Life Month! 😆 Sounds at least more result-oriented than Migraine Awareness Month.

Yes, the general treatment approach you’re describing is a common one. It works so well because triptans and NSAIDS are both vasoconstrictors which reduce swelling of the blood vessels in your brain. A triptan plus an NSAID plus any anti nausea medication is a well known potent combination called triple therapy.

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I feel like you could be a migraine consultant with all your knowledge. I'm guessing none of this worked for you. 😞

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That would probably make me more money 😂 Oh well. I guess I’ll stick with writing about migraines. And triple therapy works for me sometimes, it’s definitely a useful tool.

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Or create a membership website called, Migraine Membership with the tagline, "It's Okay If You Don't Show Up" 😂

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Don’t forget to throw In Benadryl. I am on the iv every three month preventative + other meds, but in the beginning ( before the drs entered the picture 1982) started out taking 1600 mg Motrin plus Benadryl and attempted sleep. Love your picture and am embarrassed to say I don’t remember it being Migraine Awareness Month. I am sure it is stored in my wonderful brain filing cabinets that need some WD-40 to get the sticking drawers open. Thank you for the reminder. 😉

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Oh also, I could def fit a shit storm somewhere in my next version…very good suggestion. I’ve never tried drawing one of these before.

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That's all you need to include

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See update 💩 (Using poo is considered poor form for humor/comedy, but I think an exception should be made in this case.)

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I'm so glad you said "see update" because I realized I missed bug angry elephant entirely the first time 😂😂

Thank you for making my Saturday morning so amusing 😁

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I've spent most of my life suffering from migraines. I only discovered my migraines were from a misaligned bite, that was 7 years ago. I also have temporal mandibular disorder, lock jaw and arthritis. The TMJ joint is one of the least researched joints, even though so many people suffer from this painful condition (temporal mandibular joint disorder) Thanks for sharing your post.

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Sounds painful! Do you still get migraines after discovering the bite issue?

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Natalie Mead

The mouth guard has helped, but I still clench my teeth during the night, so still get migraines, but not so many and continue to get normal headaches, which aren’t great, but are, 'a walk in the park' compared to migraines!

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I’m glad you found some improvement. Hang in there!

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Jun 25Liked by Natalie Mead

Fellow TMJ sufferer. My migraines started after my first 2 jaw surgeries (1982) and have been adapting and changing to their current monstrosities. My last jaw surgery was total joint reconstruction both sides 1986. Now most of my 8-9 a month are barometric change and stress/teeth grinding induced.

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So sorry to hear you had have so many surgeries. If I could stop grinding my teeth it would help!

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I can’t even use a mouth guard because they all, (soft, hard, thin, top, bottom, night, day) cause my muscles to clench then grind. I have had 6 jaw surgeries the last was the reconstruction and have some nerve damage from them. But the good news is that I can open my mouth, smile and laugh. Intentional attitude in my approach to life makes it bearable. Avoid surgery at all cost if you can.

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You’re doing well, it’s so hard having facial pain.

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Do you get any relief from a night guard?

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Yes it is better, but I still clench my teeth. If I could stop clenching my teeth at night it would be even better, but i’ve got in the habit now, and just can’t stop it! I still get migraines but not so many.

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Jun 22Liked by Natalie Mead

Love this drawing! I can sooooo relate. There are many overlaps between Mal de Débarquement (my personal oops brain) and the migraine brain. And treatment/symptom management also looks similar. Actually vestibular disorders in general are often accompanied by vestibular migraine or classic migraine. Let’s hear it for us “sensitive souls!”

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Aww yes, I’ve actually found a lot of help and friendship from the vestibular migraine community over the years, despite not having a vestibular disorder myself. So the 24/7 carousel was included in honor of my dizzy friends! Though you are right in that the whole migraine brain concept applies to many folks with vestibular disorders.

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Jun 23Liked by Natalie Mead

I saw the carousel and smiled!

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Jun 22Liked by Natalie Mead

For tension/teeth-grinding headaches I get a LOT of relief, and fast, from a horse-grooming fascia-release tool called Posture Prep. It was patented by a chiropractor, Pat Bona, who works on horses and humans. It sounds bonkers but it when I saw what it did for my horse, and noticed that Dr. Bona has a smaller version for humans, I tried it pressing it on my head and trauma-damaged areas of my face. You can get it directly from her website or from Bezos’ place, for about 10 bucks. I have no connection whatsoever to the product or its inventor. Just love spreading the word.

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Great drawing to me. I used to think it was just me that said migraine brain a lot but I guess we can all hard relate to that. Wishing everyone peace and respite, even if only a little.

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Thanks for reading!

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I love the map of the migraine brain! 🧠

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